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University of Minnesota

Breaking barriers: engaging eLearning on disability accommodations and inclusive design
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The story behind the University of Minnesota eLearning project

The “Fundamentals of Disability Accommodations and Inclusive Course Design” course was crafted for the University of Minnesota faculty and instructors. 

The course is comprehensive, with three interactive 20-minute modules covering:

  • Understanding disability and reasonable accommodations
  • Providing reasonable accommodations
  • Inclusive course design

It's self-paced and accessible, so faculty and instructors can revisit it anytime. While University faculty and instructors must complete the course once, anyone in the University community can also experience it.

Key highlights of the University’s eLearning modules

Neovation dived headfirst into the challenge, embracing extensive accessibility requirements right from the start. Here’s what we did:

  • Collaborated with a diverse community of 300 stakeholders, incorporating feedback from 60 individuals.
  • Tackled hundreds of intricate details, proving our dedication to excellence.
  • Kept accessibility at the forefront, handling revisions and adjustments seamlessly.
  • Streamlined workflows and boosted visual clarity through an optimized and dynamic storyboard process.
  • Revamped storyboard design elements to help spotlight crucial accessibility notes during reviews.

Neovation’s methodical approach led to results that were easy to follow and address as the project started to take shape.

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Project Goals

Neovation’s mission was to:

  • Create an engaging course split into three bite-sized modules, each under 20 minutes, ensuring it’s accessible to everyone in the University community.
  • Empower the University community by making the content fully accessible and promoting a culture of inclusivity and continuous learning.
  • Make the course a must-do for University employees, ensuring everyone benefits from this vital knowledge.
  • Offer the course as an optional perk for those not employed by the University, encouraging personal growth and professional development.

Unique Challenges

This project wasn’t just about ticking boxes – it was about pushing boundaries:

  • We achieved a groundbreaking level of accessibility, setting a new standard for inclusive design.
  • Our designers quickly adapted to the project’s unique demands, delivering exceptional results.
  • We showed agility by updating processes to meet evolving requirements and staying ahead of the curve.
  • We met stringent legal requirements while ensuring the course material maintained a strong educational focus.
  • Emphasized representation in visuals, ensuring each of the hundreds of images met client expectations.

The Final Result

  • The course not only met but exceeded our client’s precise requirements and expectations. 
  • This course sets a new benchmark for accessibility, outshining our previous offerings.

The exceptional accessibility features and design make this course truly stand out.

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