The State of Microlearning, 2023
Neovation’s founder, Dan Belhassen, was invited to contribute to the Learning Guild’s The State of Microlearning, 2023 whitepaper, and it’s something you need to read.

Here’s why you need to read The State of Microlearning, 2023
Dan and his fellow contributors, in this exceptional whitepaper written by former Learning Hub contributor, Pam Hogle, make the case for why microlearning continues to be a prominent and vital component of the future of online corporate training. According to Dan, and others, microlearning has immense potential for improving employee engagement and satisfaction with their online training programs – which will have a direct and noticeable impact on a company’s bottom line in terms of reduced employee turnover and higher productivity.
What is microlearning?
Before we go further, let's define what microlearning is. Microlearning is a type of training strategy that uses short bursts of learning material to cover a wide range of topics in an efficient manner. This can include videos, podcasts, online quizzes, or any other form of digital media that can be consumed quickly and easily. The goal of microlearning is to make learning more accessible by breaking down complex topics into smaller chunks that are easy to understand and digest, and if the particular platform is retention-focused, microlearning helps with both knowledge retention and learner engagement.
Full disclosure: Neovation’s OttoLearn, is a mobile-first microlearning platform that delivers daily training in two to three-minute sessions. It has been adopted by companies that have a need to measure and demonstrate improved learner retention and has a robust analytics suite.
Key points from Dan’s contribution to The State of Microlearning, 2023
Dan's vision for microlearning goes beyond simply making training easier to understand; He believes that microlearning can also be used as an effective tool for measuring performance in the workplace. Based on both his research and experience with Neovation clients, Dan argues that microlearning has the potential to provide greater insights into how employees are performing on tasks and how they are responding to new information. By leveraging data-driven insights from microlearning programs, businesses can make better decisions about how best to train their staff and assess their progress over time.
All the contributors support the position that microlearning will become an increasingly important part of well-executed corporate training initiatives going forward. With microlearning’s ability to break down complex topics into easily consumable bites of information and provide measurable movement in KPIs related to knowledge retention, employee engagement, and return on training investment, every contributor helps the author make the case that organizations should be investing in microlearning.

In addition to our own Dan Belhassen, other contributors include some of the most visionary thought leaders in online training. Here are a few names you may know:
Robyn A. Defelice, Ph.D., is a consultant and co-author of Microlearning: Short and Sweet. She focuses on empowering L&D professionals and organizations by addressing clients’ challenges—from corporate to manufacturing, government to higher education, and nonprofits to startups.
Vince Han is a chatbot nerd who, in 1981, at age 10, tried to get his schoolmates to think he was cool by building an interactive math quiz chatbot on the elementary school’s PC. He’s been trying to gain friends via “bite-sized” conversations ever since!
Ray Jimenez, founder, and chief strategist for TrainingMagNetwork and Vignettes Learning, was named a “Premier Partner in Innovation” by Training Magazine. He developed the Situation Expert platform for microlearning and workflow learning and authored 3-Minute eLearning, ScenarioBased Learning, and Workflow Learning.
Carla Torgerson, the co-author of Designing Microlearning, has spent her career focusing on the learner and learner experience. Bite-sized content is inherently learner-centered and just one of the many ways she meets learner needs as she leads the learning experience strategy at TorranceLearning. She’s been an advocate of going micro for more than a decade ago and hasn’t looked back!
Download your copy of The State of Microlearning, 2023
Finally, download the The State of Microlearning, 2023. It takes you to the landing page on the Learning Guild website, and there is a form for you to complete to access the download.
We’d love to know what you think — and we’re here to answer any questions you may have about how your organization can maximize the benefits of microlearning. You can email me at hello@neovation.com or visit our OttoLearn.com web page, do some exploring, and fill out a contact form. Either way, you’ll be hearing from me within three business hours of your outreach – and we can get the conversation started with a warm introduction to one of Neovation’s eLearning advisors.