Core Business Solutions Inc. Streamlines Certification Training with SmarterU

Using SmarterU LMS, Core Business Solutions combines excellence in ISO 9001 quality management training with ease in deploying and managing its extensive eLearning programs for customers.
The Client
Core Business Solutions is an ISO and cybersecurity consulting company that supports small businesses seeking ISO 9001 certification and related quality standards.
The Challenge
Updating courses and learning plans on their original LMS meant navigating complex vendor processes and disrupting customer training without clear timelines for resolution.
The Solution
By transitioning to SmarterU, they could swiftly update SCORM courses and learning plans, deploy changes rapidly, and provide a seamless customer experience.

The Challenge

ISO 9001 and other quality standard certifications are frequently updated. Courses must be kept current to align with the rigorous requirements to achieve and maintain ISO 9001 certification. 

The previous LMS that Core Business Solutions had been using was cumbersome to update. Learning plans had to be removed from learners when changes were needed while training was still in progress. Courses had to be sent to the LMS vendor with a request to update courses and learning plans. The previous LMS vendor was slow to respond and couldn't guarantee when the change requests would be completed, causing interruptions and delays to customers working toward their ISO 9001 certification.

Communicating these ‘blackout’ periods to customers with uncertain time frames on when they could resume their training added administrative burden. It diminished the high standard Core Business Solutions sets for itself in helping its customers efficiently achieve their ISO 9001 certification.

With our previous LMS, revising or removing courses was a nightmare. It took a lot of time and was confusing for the customer because I had to pull away their learning plans, take it out, and put them back in. It was also tedious for the customer. I was at the mercy of the LMS company because they had to do it, and I couldn't guarantee when it would be ready again.

The Solution

Moving to SmarterU LMS put the power directly into the hands of Core Business Solutions’ system administrators. Administrators have full access to make any needed changes to keep courses and learning plans current. 

Instead of sending a ticket requesting changes in the hope they will be quickly implemented, administrators can make the adjustments immediately with a few simple clicks.

“With SmarterU, we can change or revise courses and learning plans ourselves and do it quickly as needed. That was a big deal. We changed the system's setup for us and our customers since it was so flexible.”

– Nadine Wilbur, Software Support Manager, Core Business Solutions
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The Results

The ability for administrators to quickly update courses, learning plans, and libraries without delay means that learners can proceed with eLearning on their time, their schedule, and their device of choice – the highest quality in an online learning experience to match the coveted quality certification they are working to achieve.

The Results

The ability for administrators to quickly update courses, learning plans, and libraries without delay means that learners can proceed with eLearning on their time, their schedule, and their device of choice – the highest quality in an online learning experience to match the coveted quality certification they are working to achieve.

We now have it set up so all our customers can access every learning plan. It saves us a lot of time. And they can train on their phone or tablet, which is a big plus for customers.

Want to talk to our experts?

We’re ready to help your organization foster growth, develop a learning culture, and improve all aspects of your business through cohesive, engaging training.
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